Thursday 17 June 2010

This Is All I Do

Happy Birthday Iceland~

This song's been lodged in my brain for days now. Jónsi never ceases to amaze me.

I was starting to worry if I was being excluded. A little bit.
But it's all okay now. I'll be going into Stirling with Kimothy and her boyfriend on Saturday. I will be judging him. Because that is what I do.
I must also bring ice cream money.
I can't screw this up. I feel like there's a reason behind people not attempting to interact with me, y'know. I'm not as creepy as I come off as on the internet.
It's the next minor case of Splendid Isolation.

Olive is recovering nicely, which is really good to see. She's now up and about, eating and drinking and interacting with the girls. All good news. It really made my day after having to deal with a group of nedlets.
I wasn't their target this time so hey.

In other news, I found this nice little video the other day:

It's about how a Dane and a Norwegian fall in love. Very cute.


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