Monday 14 June 2010

Hey Kim here i was told i was to come and do this as Hannah and Dannii have already done it. <3333

Are you single? : Nope. I love my babe. <3333
Are you happy? : Yeah. Most of the time yeah :D
Are you bored? : yip whole reason this bolg was mad :D
Are you sad? : Not really.
Are you Italian? : Nope. Love the country though. 8D
Are you German? : Nope. :(
Are you Asian? : Nope. :(
Are you angry? : Sometimes :( xx
Are you Irish? : Nope. :(
Are your parents still married? : Yip. 14 years. 8D <333

Birth place? : Glasgow. <3333
Hair colour? : Dark brownand i did have a red fringe but its getting dyed green 8D 8D
Hair style? : shoulder lenght. but im growing it longer. 8D
Eye colour? : ummm....goldish brown...i think :D
Birthday? : 19 of July
Mood? : Happyish. 8D 8D <3333
Gender? : Female. <333
Lefty or righty? : Righty.
Summer or winter? : winter, cause night is longer and i dont like the sun.
Morning or afternoon? : Neither. i prefare night. <33333

Are you in love? : Yip. I love my babe more than the world. <33333333333
Do you believe in love at first sight? : Not realy, cause at first sight you only know what people look like not what there personality is. <33333333
Have you ever been hurt? : Yeah. :( xxx
Have you ever broken someone's heart? : dont know. Hope not. xxx <33333
Are you friends with your ex? : Yeah.
Are you afraid of commitment? : Nope. <3333
Have you hugged someone within the last week? : Yip. Mainly Dannii and Hannah. <333
Have you ever had a secret admirer? : If i know that it wouldent be a secrect admirer. 8D
Have you ever broken your own heart? : No.

Love or lust? : Lust. <333
Lemonade or iced tea? : Lemonade.
Cats or dogs? : Dogs.
A few best friends or many regular friends? : A few very close best friends.
Television or Internet? : Internet. <333
Pepsi or Coke? : Coke. :D
Wild night out or romantic night in? : Wild nights. Best thing in the world. <3333
Pink or purple? : Purple. <3333. I HATE PINK. Grrrrrr
Day or night? : Night. 8D
IM or phone? : Phone. <333. I like IM. But i couldent live without my phone. <33333

...been caught sneaking out? : Nope. I plan to well. 8D
...fallen off the stairs? : Maybe. 8D
...white-water rafted? : Nope.
...finished an entire jawbreaker? : Of course. 8D
...wanted something/someone so badly it hurt? : Yeah. I want something like that the now. :( <333
...prank called a store? : Never. Im an angel. <3333
...skipped school? : Yip. had to school is to boring to go. <3333
...wanted to disappear? : Sometimes. :( <3333

Smile or eyes? : Eyes. They are so pretty.
Light or dark hair? : Any. They are both awsome. <333
Fat or skinny? : Any.
Shorter or taller? : Taller. <333. But i wouldent mind if someone was smaller
Intelligence or attraction? : Intelligence.
Jock or nerd? : Nerd.
Hook-up or relationship? : Relationship. <333
Funny and poor OR rich and serious? : Funny and poor. Haveing a laugh is the best thing in the world. <3333
Play the guitar or into sports? : Guitar. I love music. <3333

Last text? : Martin. My babe. <33333 xxxxxxxxxxx
Last phone call? : Martin. <33333333333333333
Last person you hung out with? : Hannah. <33333. Since Dannii was skiping school. Grr
Last person you hugged? : Hannah. <33333333333333
Last person you IM'ed? : Martin. I love you babe. <3333333333333 xxx
Last thing you ate? : Chocolate. <333333
Last thing you drank? : Water.
Last site you went to? : Youtube and Blogger.
Last place you were? : My Room. <333333

Are you in a committed relationship? : Yeah. I love my babe so much. <33333333333
Do you want to be? : Of course. <33333333
When was your last relationship? : Now.
Have you ever loved a guy/girl more than anything else in the world? : Yeah. I do right now. <333333333333333333
Do you still love them? : With my whole heart and soul. <33333333333333333333
Do you like someone right now? : Love them. <33333333333

Do you and your family get along? : Sometimes.
Would you say you have a "fucked up life"? : Kinda. <33333
Have you ever run away from home? : Maybe.
If so, how long? : A wee while.
Have you ever gotten kicked out? : Nope.
If so, how long? : never.

Do you secretly hate one of your friends? : Maybe. <3333
Do you consider all of your friends good friends? : No.
Do you trust all your friends? : No.
Who is your best friend? : Dannii, Hannah, Martin. <333333
Would you die for them? : Yeah.
Who knows everything about you? : No one.

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