Monday 14 June 2010

Hello children~!

Hey we are Dannii and Kim. We are 14 and live in scotland. We thought we'd make a blog because frankly, our lives are both boring and incredibly bloody entertaining, and we reckon the world needs some of that. Entertainment, not boredom. This blog is just our thoughts, feelings (-SOB- AND MY LIFE IS CRAP AND--no) and day-to-day lives. You'll be able to tell which one of us has been typing because a) Kim types differently from Dannii; Dannii also uses emotes and says 'darling' half of the time and b) we'll tell you.
SO. About us.

Dannii has blackish hair is normal high and is compleatly mental lol (L)

It's blackish-BROWN actually : Kim has curly, dark brown hair with some lighter brown, though I hear she's getting it dyed! Ooh, it was red at first and then that faded. Dyed black blue and green, she says. Anyway, she's a bit of a mystery at times but y'know. She doesn't like people fussing c': <333 I lave her.

And the funny thing is that we're both a tad antisocial, and we're making a blog.

We don't bite, y'know. Unless you want us to... -purr- C:

Anyhoo, we'll bugger off and let you anxiously await the next blog. Prepare for complete lack of sanity. C8

Or, as Kim so articulately says, 'mentalness'.


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