Sunday 27 June 2010

insert amazing, witty title here

It's your favourite Dannii!

S'been a while, but I figured I should contribute to this blog instead of being a boring, antisocial old fart 8D Wheee. So, what to say?
Bugger all, that's what!
I should probably start being productive and posting worthwhile things here, y'know like art or photography or things I've made, but frankly my life is rather boring. Sob sob. I r emo.
No thankyou.

Also. The day Dannii falls in love will be a cold, cold day in Hell e___e I can't see it. I just can't. What the hell. I don't trust people enough to love them like that 8D

Oh oh I've gone back to watching Harry Potter and Angel :U LAWL ah, the good old days where my summer nights were spent staring at Christian Kane's face.
And my gran got me a Bowie biography from the library. It is BORING AS SHIT so far but it'll get better, I think :U -shrug-

John Deacon. I hate you because I love you. |: <3333

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