Tuesday 15 June 2010

oh dear.

I was planning to post a blog with the help of Kim today! But me, being me, facking slept in for school. I'm sure I remember Kim phoning me and I said I'd slept in but I'd still be there~ I think I fell back asleep. My memory is getting worse, and I keep feeling dizzy. I might have an eating problem.
Anyway, my sister woke me up at half eleven and I bolted downstairs to ask Gran to drive me to school. She just went "PFF no point in going now" and disappeared. D> So I think I'll have to do something productive with my time today, something useful. I've been drawing for a bit but that got boring, y'know?
Oooh that reminds me, I had cheesy pasta for lunch. Mmph.

I am incredibly bored. Well not bored, but I'm not multitasking. Hmm.

I feel bad for not being at school. -sigh- Usually when I'm not there, that's when people need me.
Then again, whenever I'm willing to help someone they throw it back in my face, so...

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