Monday 14 June 2010


Ooh, it's Dannii here this time! So it turns out that, contrary to my belief, there are two weeks left of school. Isn't that bloody marvellous? -snort- :U We decided we'd stalk a friend of mine - well, I dictated, really...well, I followed them without asking. I've also realised that in order to post my thoughts here I'll have to open up a bit, and I don't do well with that~ But I can try, can't I darlings? I can.
So what did I do today? Well I got up, first of all, and yes that's a huge surprise. Thinking it was the last week I tried to 'hint' at my gran that no, I did not want to bloody go and good god it was cruel of her to make me, but she didn't get it 8C Darling Gilpasta was in a right state, not that I can blame her with recent events, 'n all. I fail at comforting people so that was a bit difficult, really.
Since Kate and I are Skyping and I'm sharing my screen, she can see what I'm typing right now. So she gets to see all the silly mistakes and edits I'll do! Isn't that lovely? Good grief/brief, Kate, I love you.
I had Maths, which I was falling asleep in, then French during which Kim and I just messed about as we always do. But we're good girls, I promise; we made a vow to actually get some work done this year! And hopefully we will, I don't really want to fail French. That would be a waste of years, since really we started French -- or I did -- in the third year of primary school. I would've been about six/seven.
Well it wasn't very serious until the seventh year of primary school, but y'know. -shrug-
Anyway, there was break where I think we started making this, and then Physics which I was falling asleep in, and then Music. During Music, Kim decided it would be a good idea to massage my thighs. I'm not sure whether I was turned on or terrified. 8C
Theeeen it was double Drama which of course was spiffing. I stayed back for about five minutes after class to have a chat with Mr Graham, my teacher c: He's lahvely I tell you. We ended up talking about flowers. I wish I was kidding.
Hmm. This blog is getting rather long. Shall I post a meme? I quite like memes.
Yes, I shall.

Are you single? : Yes, and I'm perfectly happy that way thankyou very much.
Are you happy? : Yup! I'm a happy person.
Are you bored? : Not really, no 8D That makes a nice change!
Are you sad? : Not at all!
Are you Italian? : Well my dad was c:
Are you German? : I wish 8C
Are you Asian? : Nope.
Are you angry? : Well not at this very minute, no, and it takes quite a bit to anger me.
Are you Irish? : Nope!
Are your parents still married? : They never were.

Birth place? : Either Stirling or Falkirk, I can't remember.
Hair colour? : Dark brown, but it is not black, darling.
Hair style? : Er, it's shortish and flippy?
Eye colour? : Hazel, with various shades of brown.
Birthday? : 19th of February.
Mood? : Productive! Goooood.
Gender? : You tell me,, I'm female.
Lefty or righty? : Lefty!
Summer or winter? : Winter, hands down.
Morning or afternoon? : Morning.

Are you in love? : Not romantically.
Do you believe in love at first sight? : I believe in attraction at first sight.
Who ended your last relationship? : Me.
Have you ever been hurt? : Yes.
Have you ever broken someone's heart? : I don't think so.
Are you friends with your ex? : Sort of.
Are you afraid of commitment? : No.
Have you hugged someone within the last week? : Yes.
Have you ever had a secret admirer? : Well if they were secret I'm not going to know, am I?
Have you ever broken your own heart? : Erm, no?

Love or lust? : Love.
Lemonade or iced tea? : Iced tea.
Cats or dogs? : Dogs.
A few best friends or many regular friends? : A few best friends, I guess.
Television or Internet? : Internet, hands down.
Pepsi or Coke? : Coke.
Wild night out or romantic night in? : Wild!
Pink or purple? : Purple!
Day or night? : Day. No, night. No, day, no...IDK.
IM or phone? : IM.

...been caught sneaking out? : I've never sneaked out!
...fallen off the stairs? : Yep!
...white-water rafted? : No.
...finished an entire jawbreaker? : Yup.
...wanted something/someone so badly it hurt? : Yes.
...prank called a store? : Not a store, no.
...skipped school? : Yes.
...wanted to disappear? : Yes.

Smile or eyes? : Eyes.
Light or dark hair? : Don't care.
Fat or skinny? : Skinny. But plump women are adorable.
Shorter or taller? : Taller, preferably, but it doesn't really matter.
Intelligence or attraction? : -shrug-
Jock or nerd? : Nerd.
Hook-up or relationship? : Relationship.
Funny and poor OR rich and serious? : Funny and poor.
Play the guitar or into sports? : Play the guitar.

Last text? : Kate~!
Last phone call? : Kim!
Last person you hung out with? : Kim.
Last person you hugged? : Gran.
Last person you IM'ed? : Rose.
Last thing you ate? : Chikn curry.
Last thing you drank? : Coke.
Last site you went to? : Blogger...xD
Last place you were? : Kitchen.

Are you in a committed relationship? : No.
Do you want to be? : No.
When was your last relationship? : Over a year ago.
Have you ever loved a guy/girl more than anything else in the world? : Yup. Not romantically, but yes.
Do you still love them? : Yup~! Kaaaaatedarling~ !
Do you like someone right now? : No.

Do you and your family get along? : My immediate family, yes.
Would you say you have a "fucked up life"? : I do, actually, but honestly I'm not complaining. I love my life and don't regret anything or wish it was different at all.
Have you ever run away from home? : Yes.
If so, how long? : Like twenty minutes xD
Have you ever gotten kicked out? : No.
If so, how long? : ^

Do you secretly hate one of your friends? : I can't hate.
Do you consider all of your friends good friends? : No.
Do you trust all your friends? : No.
Who is your best friend? : Kate. Kim and Hannah are next but I'm too afraid to tell them some things because I have to see them every day and just. I dunno. I love all three of you.
Would you die for them? : Probably.
Who knows everything about you? : Kate. Then my uncle William. Then Kim, then Hannah.


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