Monday 5 July 2010

I'm out.

This is really a bit of an unexpected decision, but I've been thinking it through :U I'm out. Well, I'm making my own blog. It's nothing against you, Kim/Hannah, hell no I love you both -snuggle- It's just that I prefer to do things on my own. -shrug- Just the way I roll, I suppose.
Which leaves a bit of questioning which I'd appreciate being answered in comments 8D
1. Do you want to keep the name 'Backchat'? You could change it if you like, because I'd actually love to use it myself :U But it doesn't matter, I can always find something else.
2. Do you want me to keep posting here? You know, just the occassional thing. I don't mind whether you do or not. -shrug-


EDIT: I just realised I broke my promise~! This post wasn't very happy at all 8D Well actually no, because I'm happy that I'm off doing my own thing so it is happy after all! LOOPHOLES.

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